The author's approach to the book of Revelation is neither from an eschatological nor speculative perspective. We have in our hands a book that shows the way to be active Christians, that is, Christians who hasten the second coming of Christ.
To understand the book of Revelation at its core, we need to see that God's work is carried out by the dispensing of the Holy Spirit in its entirety.
About the second coming of Christ, the author shows that only those who are vigilant will notice this very special moment. For this, we need to be simple and obedient to the prophetic word, which reveals to us in great detail the desire of God's heart.
This book also reveals the spiritual significance of the lightnings, voices and thunders that come from the throne of God, and how these phenomena relate to the time of the end. It also shows the importance of the first four seals of Revelation in the present day.
I encourage you, dear reader, to enjoy every page of this book and discover what your role is in the church in these days leading up to Christ's return.
It is worth checking!
In a time of uncertainty and confusion, many wonder how far this world will go. The Bible reveals that, behind all this chaos, there is a spiritual war being waged and that the church plays a key role in bringing this war to an end. The question is: who can God count on?
In this sense, it is possible to see that, throughout the history of His people, God has prepared a group that fights for His interests, which is willing to surrender their lives so that the government of God and the authority of His Christ are reestablished on this earth. . If, on the one hand, they know the will, power and authority of God, on the other hand, they are not deceived by His enemy.
Reading this book will awaken in you God's call to be an overcomer, who cooperates with Him and defeats His enemy.
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