Title 1 - Daily Food from the series: Word, life and edification II
volume 6: Resurrection: A new Day, New Beginning
We have already passed through death with Christ, and now his resurrection introduces us into a new sphere. The sphere of the new creation, where there are no more old, conventional, traditional and logical things. We are in God's sphere, in the heavenly, spiritual sphere, where everything is new. I believe that, as long as we remain in the reality of this sphere, where Christ and we are one. We spontaneously become part of the four living beings. zig-zagging like burning coals and carrying out God's work. This is the new creation!
Tittle 2- Book: Parents Who Instill Values
Parents have a responsibility to shine a light on their children.
They have a thirst for learning because they are driven by life and for life - but they don't need to learn just anything or just in any way.
That's why parents must be there to guide, warn, clarify and encourage. The student needs the presence of the teacher, and the children need the presence of their parents.
Fathers and mothers are their children's reference points. Children can be molded at an early age, so parents, love your children and take advantage of all the time you have with them to instruct and teach them! They need you.
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