Title 1 - Daily Food from the series: Word, life and edification II
volume 5 : I Have Appointed you To Bear Fruit
“I Have Appointed You to Bear Fruit” is the title of this devotional. Jesus calls those who are intimate with Hm friends, to whom He reveals His will. His desire is that our focus be on doing His will, just as He did the will of the Father. That is why the Lord invites us to prophesy the Word, to love one another and to serve together as branches of the vine. This is how fruit will be produced and how we will remain in fellowship with the Lord, in the great vine that is the church. The Gospel of John reveals to us that our Lord Jesus came to earth for one purpose only: to do the Father's will. He never had anything else in mind. His focus was never on doing His own work, but on doing God's will. Today the Lord expects the same determination from the church.
Title 2 - Book:Heal me O Lord, and Shall be Healed
Many people think that God is an angry old man who is always ready to punish anyone who makes a mistake. This is not so, and there are several examples of this in this book. In the reading, you will give God the chance to open his heart to you and show you how much he loves you and wants you to come closer to him. You'll see many examples of how He, in the person of His Son Jesus, is always willing to welcome, heal and save, as long as you come to Him and ask. Furthermore, through the stories in this book, you will see that God demonstrated how much he loves you when he sent Jesus to die on the cross in your place so that you could have eternal life. He continues to show this love when he gives you opportunities to repent and be healed and saved by Jesus day by day. Reading this book is one of those opportunities. Take it advantage of it!
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