Title 1 - Daily Food from the series: Word, life and edification II
volume 3:The Church-The Place Of Those Who Love Jesus
When we love the Lord intensely like Mary, who poured her precious balm of pure nard over him, church life becomes a fragrant and ecstatic place. There is a fragrance arising from our love for Him, our surrender, our consecration and waste. This is true church life! It is happy, joyful and fragrant. They say that joy makes us beautiful. That's why church life is filled with beautiful people, because everyone is happy and there is the sweet fragrance of Christ's love in the air.
Title 2 - Book:How to Overcome The Spiritual Battle
In the end times we live in, the modern world is being led to a declared opposition to God. The enemy’s ultimate intention is to make man completely free from God and have no connection with God. In Psalms 2, we read: Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.” (vv. 1-3).
This text reveals that there is an ongoing spiritual battle. We need to know who we are in the midst of this struggle.But we also need to clearly see who our enemy is and against whom our fight is.
In this book, the author details the aspects of this spiritual war and reveals the path to victory. Check it out!
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